Get The Information YOU Need, Here.
Get The Information YOU Need, Here.
Welcome to www.wcpolitics.com or as we will call it "West Covina Politics." This website is the culmination of many months of work on another website that became a resource for the residents of West Covina. We are and continue to be the owners and webmasters of www.nowctax.com.
Back in August of 2019 we started that website to help educate and bring forward information for the people of West Covina to understand what was happening and how the proposed sales tax increase for the city was not what it was cracked up to be. In fact, we never would have imagined how popular it would become. We were able to provide insight and resources to many people and during the height of the campaign we were averaging hundreds of website hits a week.
We did all of this at our expense and did not request or receive any money from anyone. We provided our own flyers that you could produce and distribute on your own and at your pace. Many people contacted us and encouraged us to keep this information available and to expand our site to include much more. However, we knew that we could only focus on what would become Measure WC and its eventual monumental defeat by the voters.
Now, we have the ability to release our new website and intend to bring to light all of the major topics in the city so that people can review and learn what is happening in the city council chambers and other city meetings. We plan to continue to edit videos to address the meat of the topic. No more need to sit through hours of city council and commission meetings. We will do our best to find the important topics and most important issues to bring to you.
As we intend to grow this website and increase our scope, we ask that you reach out to us and let us know what you want to know about. What topics mean the most to you. We want this to be the residents answer to finding the information they need.
At this time, we have no desire to ask for donations and we have no desire to share our identity. We are doing this as a service and for the benefit no specific person or cause.
We hope we can all learn to live and work together in our great city.
A West Covina Resident
Copyright © 2020-2021 www.wcpolitics.com - All Rights Reserved.
The site is owned solely to provide information to the residents of West Covina and serves no political entities.